Sunday, February 10, 2008

Today, I wake up early. I am listening other around me say about life and economic in the other. I see any one say many things in problem. Everyday when I wake up, I see everyone concentrate in his work and his life. And have many poor people. I think money, it is important material involve economic movement. Sure money not a real problem. But human is the problem only that in my idea.
Money, I think why money is important more than other thing. For my idea that think money is important because when they do the almost of they done have to used money. But for my idea money it isn’t the most important but it is the individual and their moral. If you do, you can get it. If you do more, you will give it more too. Beside that I think money is an opportunity to support to do many thing because money can change form easy than another thing. So money is important to life for everyone. About my family in finance is not bad. It is ok. There are someone said to me “Have many thing not concerning to policy?” I can’t answer this question because when I try to think with my friends but it is nothing. So I can sad, every think concern to policy. At once I think how can I make societies to develop more than. So I will be a politician in the further.
Oh, It isn’t easy but it is difficult so much. It is exciting so much. If I can change it. Politician who plan to improve their country. So their character is important. Last week I saw movie. Movie is name EVAN ALMIGHTY. That movie is about God, there is main character who is a member of parliament. Have one word that he said when he pray to his God, “God please help me change the world”. It is a good word. It is short word but good. I think, if other people can do its but I can’t. It is possible. If they can, I can too.
I think, we can do a big thing, if we are brave and smart. So we would help us society by we should participate together for us society is a peace and no poor.

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