Sunday, February 10, 2008

Many thing

Many thing
After examination period was pass. Everyone may be though about grade. Someone worried about probation , about honor ,or parents complaint in their grade. In this time everyone busy about their score. Someone miss the honor because some subject failed.

My score wasn’t good. There were many subjects a middle pass and a subject failed, I got grade c minor .I’m so sad because this subject is difficult so much. It subject name is Civil Procedure 1 .But I thanks God because I had many subject was pass. Some I did not understand , why I got the less scores. Although I tried to read a hard of book . When the time was pass ,there are some thing told me why I got the less scores . It may be the writing not good .Because in law faculty must writing all of subjects .So writing is the most important for law who no skill in writing examination who that can be failed

In first year student have a problem about writing answer so much because they don’t have experience about writing answer for law . It make
their examination failed. So about writing problem is a problem for every year.
It start at the first year to the last years ( I don’t know when they finished.55555..555)

In this term , there are some one want to get a honor too much .But they miss a honor because they failed some subject. It make they miss a honor. It is a sad story , desire they tried to make a good grade for every term . I saw they read many book and concentrate when they studied so much. but when some subject failed . It make miss opportunity to touch a honor .When they told to me . I can’t do anything besides give a power to his heart only .

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