Thursday, January 10, 2008

Very exciting

I think everyone has exciting.Exciting situation is different ,not the same .Because it happen on different time , situation.Some exciting thing make someone cann't forgot. It called exciting experience.It separate to two part. The first is the good exciting experience and second one is bad exciting experience.
For me ,my life alway meet exciting experience.Sometime is the good thing ,somtime is the bad thig .Because each day I do many thing not the same .That once , I want to tell you.The last week,I and my friends make an activities .We prepare very yhing to success.This event,we had campaign at Kwaisan soi and all around there .We make an activity to persuad everybody choose the good man to govern the country.Besides that we tried the coruption's politicain in Thailand.In event we always talk about qualiflies of the good and bad politician.everyone interest in us activity .Someone came to our and take a picture with us.When we start the event we were exciting so much but when done continue .We were not exciting .It became to brave and funny.Everybody look at me.But me and my friends can pass this exciting experience .Actiity success,everyone had a good participance.This exciting experience is a good activity and a good thing to my life.Because I think always ,we shall brave to do a good thing and truth.

In activity, it make me growth up at one step.It is a thing that we can for my social.Because it is avalue thing.

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